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Understand Generational Differences to Build Connected Teams

For the first time in history, many organizations are managing five different generations in their workforce! Creating a connected team of employees ranging from their 20s to 70s is not easy, and the changes brought about by the COVID pandemic have only compounded these challenges. While Traditionalists and Baby Boomers are looking for structure and…

Featured Ebook

A Leader’s Guide to Navigating the Five-Generation Workplace

A Leader’s Guide to Navigating the Five-Generation Workplace explores the unique challenges and opportunities of managing a workforce spanning five generations. From the Silent Generation to Gen Z, each generation brings its own work styles, values, and communication preferences, shaping today’s diverse workplace. This e-book provides actionable insights for leaders to encourage collaboration, navigate generational…

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Michael McDermott Joins the Crestcom Network

Michael McDermott Joins the Crestcom Network

Crestcom International, LLC welcomes Michael McDermott to its global franchise network. Greenwood Village, CO — Crestcom International is pleased to announce a new authorized licensee, Michael McDermott. Mr. McDermott will provide Crestcom’s accredited, award-winning...

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Kara Hughs Joins the Crestcom Network

Kara Hughs Joins the Crestcom Network

Crestcom International, LLC welcomes Kara Hughs to its global franchise network.  Greenwood Village, CO— Crestcom International is pleased to announce a new authorized licensee, Kara Hughs, President of Connecting Leaders, LLC. Kara is now providing leadership...

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Owning a Franchise