5 Tips to Increase Employee Engagement and Improve Workplace Performance

High turnover? Decreased employee engagement? Low productivity? If you are experiencing poor workplace performance, this article is for you. According to a Gallup survey, teams with high employee engagement rates are 21% more productive. Imagine how having an effective employee experience that focuses on engagement can improve your profitability! Productivity and employee engagement are directly correlated, to focus on just one will create an imbalance and negatively impact both. So what do you need to do to create an employee experience and engagement strategy? Check out 5 tips below.

  1. Focus on training and development. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is to neglect the importance of learning and development. Your employees are only as good as you train them to be. According to the Association for Talent Development, companies that invest in learning and development experience a 24% higher profit margin and a 218% higher income per employee than those without a formalized training program.
  2. Build a dynamic onboarding experience. A new hire’s engagement with your company will directly relate to the quality of their onboarding experience. According to The Recruiting Roundtable, effective onboarding programs can improve employee performance by 11.5%. If you want to keep the talent that you just hired and get the most out of them ensure you have a strategy in place to focus on integrating them into the company within the first 30 days.
  3. Create meaningful work. Want to increase productivity, encourage employees to care about the mission. Invite them to provide feedback and help create the company strategy. If you neglect to include them in key decisions, they are less likely to work hard to accomplish the goal. When you get them involved you are building meaning to their role and acknowledging how they are part of the big picture. The more meaning they have, the higher the productivity.
  4. Be flexible. Employees thrive when they feel they have autonomy. If that means providing a flexible work schedule or telecommute option, do it. The more discretion they have, the more they feel trusted and are willing to work hard for the organization.
  5. Share information and be transparent. Be honest and open with your employees, to the extent that you are able. If business is bad, say so. Give them the information they need to understand why their role can help solve a problem or drive strategy. The more information they have, the more informed decisions they can make, which will increase productivity.


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