Leadership Development That Produces Real Results
The Crestcom L.E.A.D.R. program provides interactive management training with a results-oriented curriculum and prime networking opportunities. Our leadership training facilitators guide participants through interactive exercises and group discussions for hands-on learning and collaboration.
Empower your team to Learn, Experience, Adapt, Drive, and achieve quantifiable Results with our comprehensive 12-month leadership development program.
Learn: Your team will acquire essential leadership knowledge and skills.
At Crestcom, we believe that leadership begins with continuous learning. Crestcom L.E.A.D.R. equips managers with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape. Through our expertly crafted modules, real-world case studies, group discussions and simulations, your managers will gain invaluable insights into leadership principles and strategies that are essential for success. Embrace learning as the foundation of your team’s leadership journey and watch their potential soar.
Experience: Your team will live leadership, not just talk about it.
Adapt: Your team will learn how to adjust leadership styles to diverse situations.
Drive: Your team will be empowered to lead with determination and inspire positive change.
Results: Your team will achieve a measurable ROI while driving organizational success.
Your Organization Will Benefit From
Interactive Training
Our process allows managers time to internalize new information, master skills, and demonstrate how it works for your organization.
Results-Oriented Curriculum
Our program features 24 foundational leadership topics, enhanced by insights from our expert faculty members.
Network Development
Your team will have the opportunity to share new ideas and perspectives with dozens of other local business professionals from different companies and industries.
Program Consistency
Develop your managers around the world with the same curriculum at the same time.
Subject Matter Experts
Crestcom has partnered with over 50 global experts to create our award-winning, proprietary leadership content.
Flexible Class Schedules
Participants can choose from various class dates to fit their busy schedules.
Monthly Leadership Development Experiences
January: Deliver Results the First Time
Featuring Andy Bounds
How much is inefficient re-work costing you?
January: Be the Coach They Need
Featuring Steve Farber
Are you guiding your team to achieve greater results through outstanding coaching?
February: Mission: Inclusion
Featuring LaTonya Wilkins
Do you prioritize psychological safety and belonging as strategies to keep all employees engaged?
February: Take Charge of Talent Management
Featuring Kathleen Quinn Votaw
Are you winning the best candidates based on skill and attitude?
March: Mastering Negotiation
Role Play Simulation
Are you able to show value by preparing for negotiations in advance?
March: Change How You Manage Change
Featuring L. Bonita Patterson
What does resistance to change cost you? Time, resources, employees?
April: The DNA of Ethical Decision-Making
Featuring Dr. Christopher Gilbert
Do you make effective decisions – even under pressure or with limited information?
April: Building Multigenerational Connections
Featuring Mark Beal
Does the multi-generational workforce today present new challenges or new opportunities?
May: Leadership Presence
Featuring Sylvie di Giusto
What does your leadership brand say about you?
May: Influence With Intention
Featuring Andy Bounds
Why do so many communications miss the mark?
June: Captivate Your Customer
Featuring Shep Hyken
Are you able to secure loyal internal and external customers despite the fierce competition for resources and revenue?
June: Trust: The Leadership Differentiator
Featuring Sylvie di Giusto
How can you build, restore, and maintain trust?
July: Strategic Foundations: 5 Steps to Success
Featuring Tom Oser
Do you see strategic growth opportunities and the steps needed to impact your organization’s bottom line?
July: Dialing Into Emotional Intelligence
Featuring Ted Ma
Do you know what healthy emotional intelligence looks and feels like?
August: Break Away From Bias
Featuring Dr. Tyrone Holmes
Is your team a well-oiled machine or are there glitches in the system?
August: Ignite a Culture of Accountability
Featuring Steve Farber
Are you able to empower your employees and trust their decisions?
September: Managing Personality Styles With Adaptive Leadership
Featuring Steve Shapiro
Are you creating an inclusive environment where all personalities can thrive?
September: Stimulate Creative Perspectives
Featuring Tamara Ghandour
Are you creating an inclusive environment where all personalities can thrive?
October: It Is Your Business Too
Featuring Evan Roth
Do you understand the significance of business drivers that could transform your organization’s future?
October: Shift: Into Mental Agility and Resilience
Featuring Ted Ma
Are you prepared to tackle the challenges of today and the unforeseeable obstacles of the future?
November: Multiply Your Impact: The Delegation Advantage
Featuring Marilyn Sherman
Are you taking on too much and afraid to let go?
November: The Focus Zone
Featuring Paul Weston
Do multitasking and managing distractions deplete your energy?
December: Team Fusion
Featuring Tamara Ghandour
Do you have a high-performing team that is pure “magic”?
December: SYNC UP: The Conflict Mindset
Featuring Marilyn Sherman
Is conflict productive or destructive in your interactions?