Get 60 Solid Candidates for Any Open Position

Get 60 Solid Candidates for Any Open Position

Recruiting for any job position, especially a high-stakes one, can be expensive and daunting. Wading through hundreds of resumes takes time. Add to that the risk of overlooking a viable candidate, or worse, not finding a decent candidate at all, and it’s easy to see why the recruiting process is pressure-filled. “Referral” recruiting, however, is a different way to recruit. It is an underutilized, yet highly effective form of hiring because it separates the signal from the noise, and is free! Below, we list four excellent referral sources. Use them all, and you will have 60 qualified candidates in no time.

  • Five close friends: Close friends are anxious to assist, and you will have instant credibility with the referral since you both share a mutual acquaintance.
  • Five respected businesspeople in industries other than your own: If the businessperson is respected, you will have instant credibility in your referral. Be sure and adhere to the “industries other than your own” clause so that you both are not competing for the same talent.
  • Five satisfied clients: Clients who are happy with your product understand that your organization’s ability to attract and retain solid talent is also in their best interest for continued customer satisfaction.
  • Five clergymen: This includes religious leaders from any denomination, such as priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, etc. They typically know who among their congregation is looking to better their work situation. Furthermore, they often have insight into the talents and capabilities of those they recommend.

The list above will yield 20 names of referrers. Reach out to them by phone, or better yet, in person. Ensure each of them understands the type of role you are looking to fill. On average, each of the 20 people will give you 2-3 names of qualified prospects. You will be well on your way to filling your open position with 60 excellent candidates in no time!

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