Experto en formación de liderazgo español

Maria Ortiz
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Bio Picture: Maria Ortiz
Director of Higher Education Administration from New York University, USA and Master in Biochemistry from Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico. Writer, Researcher and Consultant in Organizational Development, Strategic Planning and Evaluation and Assessment. Currently a full professor at the Graduate School of Education of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus.
Educational Leader and Poet. Former President of Bayamon Central University and actual President of Ortiz, Lord, Hope and Associates.

Seminario web destacado

Understand Generational Differences to Build Connected Teams

For the first time in history, many organizations are managing five different generations in their workforce! Creating a connected team of employees ranging from their 20s to 70s is not easy, and the changes brought about by the COVID pandemic have only compounded these challenges. While Traditionalists and Baby Boomers are looking for structure and loyalty, Gen X likes to make their own rules. Meanwhile, less than half of Millennials believe that businesses positively impact society, and 53% of Gen Z workers plan to quit their current job within two years!

Libro Digital Destacado

Building Better Teams: Strategies for More Effective Collaboration

Whether in remote, in-person, or hybrid workplaces, how teams collaborate has evolved significantly in recent years, and building cohesive teams is more crucial than ever to organizational success. Traditionally, teams worked in the same physical location, but the rise of remote work and digital collaboration tools has created new opportunities and challenges for team dynamics. As the workplace evolves, leaders must adapt to ensure that their teams remain cohesive, productive, and engaged, regardless of where they work.

Descargar El Libro Digital


Take the Crestcom Leadership Health Assessment

Crestcom’s Leadership Health Assessment consists of 30 targeted questions designed to help companies identify growth areas within their teams based on Crestcom’s 10 Core Leadership Competencies.

Recursos destacados

5 formas para salir de un estancamiento laboral

5 formas para salir de un estancamiento laboral

¿Alguna vez has experimentado una severa falta de motivación? ¿Desinterés en tu trabajo? Si respondiste sí, es probable que estés experimentando un estancamiento. Cuando las personas están estancadas, a menudo cuestionan el propósito de su cargo, al igual que el de su...

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""Crestcom has worked so well for my company that we have enrolled more than 80 professionals from our campus."" Read More

-Marilina Wayland , Chancellor
Inter American University Metropolitan campus

""All the top managers of my company have been enrolled and trained by Crestcom. It have made a difference!"" Read More

-Jose Luis Vargas , Executive Director
Teachers Association Puerto Rico

""Crestcom in more than a training Program, it is an unforgettable experience."" Read More

-Gladys Cora , Vice-Chancellor of External Resources
UMET Ana G. Mendez University


""Crestcom has worked so well for my company that we have enrolled more than 80 professionals from our campus.""

-Marilina Wayland , Chancellor
Inter American University Metropolitan campus


""All the top managers of my company have been enrolled and trained by Crestcom. It have made a difference!""

-Jose Luis Vargas , Executive Director
Teachers Association Puerto Rico


""Crestcom in more than a training Program, it is an unforgettable experience.""

-Gladys Cora , Vice-Chancellor of External Resources
UMET Ana G. Mendez University

Contacto Maria Ortiz

Información de contacto

  • 111 Domenech Avenue, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00918, Puerto Rico
  • (787) 771-4734
  • (787) 462-3335

Webinar Registration


Understand Generational Differences to Build Connected Teams

For the first time in history, many organizations are managing five different generations in their workforce! Creating a connected team of employees ranging from their 20s to 70s is not easy, and the changes brought about by the COVID pandemic have only compounded these challenges. While Traditionalists and Baby Boomers are looking for structure and loyalty, Gen X likes to make their own rules. Meanwhile, less than half of Millennials believe that businesses positively impact society, and 53% of Gen Z workers plan to quit their current job within two years!

September 29th, 2022 at 10:00AM ET

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Understand Generational Differences to Build Connected Teams