Leveraging Predictive Index® with Business Results LLC and Crestcom

Leaders and managers at all levels are tasked with driving their company’s objectives by working with their teams. They have power over their direct reports’ activities and ideally should guide their team’s initiatives — really rally the troops — to make great things happen.

Think about the time you had a really great manager or boss. What made them great? They probably lead by example; they understood how to motivate you and your coworkers to make things happen.

Now think about the time when you had a bad boss. You were probably frustrated with their motivation strategies, or they didn’t make clear expectations or they just didn’t understand how to lead their team in a way that accomplishes goals. In fact, they may have even inadvertently kept good things from happening.

Most bad bosses aren’t trying to be bad bosses. They often just lack the understanding of what truly engages each individual. One-size-fit-all management strategies do not work. Everyone is unique!

With Crestcom’s partnership, we can lead organizations on how to best work with their current team as well as onboarding new members to get the best results.

Crestcom’s module Techniques for Managing Personality Featuring Dr. Kimberly Alyn

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As a PI® Certified Partner firm, we, at Business Results, work directly with clients ensuring they are able to quickly use the powerful combination of science, technology, and knowledge transfer to achieve their desired business results. We help business owners, executives and managers understand what their leadership style is (because they will often try to lead people the way they personally like to be led, which may be vastly different from how an employee needs to be led), and then understand how to tailor their leadership style to help each individual on their teams perform at their highest potential.

We teach our clients to use workforce assessments starting with the Predictive Index® (PI) job assessment to define the ideal behavioral and cognitive requirements that will help somebody perform at their very best in a role. When using that data from pre-hire to retire to help managers and leaders know how to best communicate with, provide feedback to, communicate directions, and even give kudos based on each individual’s unique needs.

The PI behavioral assessment is a two-question assessment that takes about six minutes to complete and accurately predicts behavioral drives. Every single pattern is as unique as a person who takes it. We all want the gold star but how we give that star needs to be tailored to the individual’s strengths.

With this data, we show you how to value people for their strengths. Where some people need a supportive, team-oriented environment, others are motivated by recognition for his or her individual contribution to the business. You can’t look at someone and see that they are motivated by understanding exactly what the job expectations are while others need freedom from that structure. But the behavioral assessment measures those qualities, and it provides techniques for managing different personality styles. We can use this data for hiring, succession planning, or creating an org chart. When you understand how people are naturally inclined to tackle their work, you can create development strategies based on their unique and very distinct behavioral strengths to help them be much more engaged and productivity in their work every day.


Dolly Penland is President and CEO of Business Results, PI® Certified Partner firm and Master Training Center. For more information, please visit www.BusinessResultsLLC.com