Simple Tips to Help You Find Your Passion in the Workplace


Your job is something that takes many hours per week of your life, making it vital that you love what you do. Rather than merely clock-watching the hours of your day at work go by, find your calling by following these steps!

Stepping Your Way to Passion

  1. Brainstorm. Start by making a list of the careers and positions that interest and excite you. What would you love to be doing for work? Don’t worry about how high the bar is set. Just brainstorm a list of those jobs that you find interesting. Include some of the things you used to love to do as a child before you had to grow up and leave those interests behind.
  2. Skills assessment. What jobs do you want to learn more about? Is there an area that you are curious about, or spend a lot of time reading about? This needs to go on your list, too. Jot down the skills you have that can be used for jobs. Also, what skills are you willing to learn in order to make a change?
  3. Ask around. Sometimes people have a difficult time thinking about what jobs interest them. It never hurts to ask around to see what others think. Ask a few friends, family, or even co-workers what type of career that they think you would be perfect for and why. They may have some insight from being around you that you haven’t picked up on yet.
  4. Research. At this point, there should be something that stands out. Select one and begin your research on the opportunity. Find out what is required to work in that field, if you will need additional schooling or skills, what the salary is, and what the job is like day-to-day. If possible, find someone in a similar position that you can ask a few questions to see how they like it, what it takes to be successful in the career, and what advice they would give someone considering entering that field.
  5. Take action. If you follow these steps you should narrow down something that you would love doing and that you are passionate about. Now is the time to take action to move toward making it happen. Create an action plan of steps you need to take to get you there, and then start working toward the goal.

Finding your passion is something that you will never regret doing. In fact, it’s likely going to bring you happiness as you determine your life’s purpose. Whether you discover a new career path or a new way to love your current one, remember what Aristotle said: “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”