The concept of “organizational change” continues to pick up the pace at the same time that organizational hierarchy is flattening. It’s imperative, then, that employees buy into the changes being requested of them. Follow these steps to ensure that you get buy-in from your team:
- Ensure your team trusts you: The number one reason that people resist change is because they do not believe in the architects of the change. Overcome trust issues by being honest and transparent regarding the change. Explain in the fullest detail possible the reasons for the change. Also, displaying strong character, in general, will build trust. For example, being dependable, maintaining confidentiality, and being loyal shows others that you are trustworthy.
- Involve your team in the change: Rather than dictate the terms of the change, allow your team to play a role in crafting just what that change looks like. Organizations are now flatter and more collaborative than ever, and achieving buy-in involves distributing some of the authority to your team.
- Double check that the benefits outweigh the sacrifices: It’s inevitable. Improvement comes at a cost. Do those benefits outweigh the costs? Answering this question is not up to you to determine, but instead should be answered by your team. Reach out to them to get their verdict.
- Communicate just what a huge advantage this change will be: The more significant the perceived benefit, the higher the buy-in. Technology, for example, typically enjoys high adoption rates because modern consumers tend to catch on to its benefits quickly. Similarly, ensure that you communicate the benefits of your proposed change so that they wow your team!
In the words of Winston Churchill, “There is nothing wrong with change if it is in the right direction.” Change is inevitable, and achieving buy-in is the rocket fuel for that change. You’ll be well on your way to making positive strides after following the above best practices.